Hi Jess,
Thanks for being willing to share this difficulty! I have always known I was unable to visualize the way other did and now I know that I am a complete all senses aphant. I am quite intelligent and have been very successful both academically and professionally (I’m retired now). However, there are a number of things that might make one question my intelligence. For instance, I never could memorize the multiplication tables. I finally realized that I could compute the results as fast or faster than most of my friends could recall the memorized answers. Consequently I gave up memorizing them! I think that is connected to aphantasia — I think. I remember a birthday, well not really, I remember a time when I had a birthday coming up and realized I didn’t know how old I was. I put a lot of effort into getting someone to tell me that without having to admit I couldn’t remember!! I did finally overhear an adult mentioning that my 13th birthday was coming up. That is all I remember about my 13th birthday! That may have been connected to aphanasia, but I tend to think I just didn’t really care that much about it.
And Yes, I have always had to think about it to remember which way was right and which was left. I can’t say it has been a problem, because I could always figure it out, but even today at 71 I have to think about it. Many tricks: The hand I write with, the way I turn my care into my driveway is what I have been using lately. Is that connected to Aphanasia? I have no idea.
By the way, I am very good with directions and have no trouble with North and South etc. But I don’t like directions that use landmarks. They just confused the issue.
I hope you find something that works for you! 🙂