Hello! Yes! My interest in the potential of this topic is precisely why I joined the Aphantasia Network moments ago after literally just discovering that there’s a name for what I’ve experienced my whole life, i.e. no visual imagination. The only exception to this has been rare occasions while meditating or in the liminal zone/hypnogogic/hypnopompic space whilst meditating/falling asleep. Occasionally while in this state I will experience flashes of startling visual imagery and sometimes sound, including, but not limited to text, colours, flashes and animated movies. Often I’ve heard these visualizations and audio experiences referred to as Clairvoyance and Clairaudience respectively. I have been attempting to increase the frequency and controllability of these experiences via different meditation programs such as The Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience via the Monroe Institute and Silva Ultramind through Mind Valley, which is what I’m currently participating in. In fact, just last night I had a breakthrough visualization experience while falling asleep after participating in the 8th of 28 Ultramind Lessons. I should reiterate that these experiences are a separate phenomenon, not normal nor lucid dreaming. Looking forward to continuing this discussion! Dylon