A few days ago i came to realise that i’m pretty sure i have aphantasia and since i’ve done much research. i’ve always thought that my mind was ‘normal’ but i saw a post saying how when people read they can see it like movie scenes in their head and many were agreeing but i came to realise i couldn’t do that and started to ask myself why and looked for answers and it’s lead me to this. i’ve never been able to plan my own future as i genuinely can’t even see what it would look like and i always wondered how people could but at the time i didn’t think any different. when imaging i know what things are, like a box but when it comes to imagining it and describing what i see i’m at a loss. i feel like i’m missing out on something really exciting that i’ve never known i could of had and through research i’ve realised not many people realise till their older and i’m only 16 and just figuring this out. i may be wrong but could this be why i’m more anxious all the time i’m not sure how to put it but i always look sad even if i’m not and never really find myself happy much could this be due to this with lack of imagination on scenarios or remembering in detail the happy moments(i still remember but i don’t feel the emotion i felt in that point if that made sense) this is going on a while and i’m missing little points out but this is the gist