What is normal imagination??

I recently discovered I might have aphantasia. I had known about the condition for years before but disregarded the possibility that I might have it, because I used to spend a lot of time in my imagination which I considered to be at least partly visual.
That was bafore a long conversation comparing the experience with my friend who for example claimed to be able to imagine objects on top of reality in a way that she couldn't see behind them. I cannot do this in the slightest. I have always thought I'm capable of imagining something on top of reality but my experience doesn't match hers at all. I thought imagining something and actually seeing it are two completely different things but apparently the experience for her at least is not. Also the same areas in the brain are engaged in both so apparently biologically are supposed to be similar.
Does this then mean I have aphantasia? The normal questionnaire is very confusing for me, because for the longest time I thought I actually can "see" the images.

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I recently learned that many people who are dyslexic can actually visualize in 3D. They can visualize objects in 3D and move them around in their mindseye and see it from different angles. That’s why letters are confusing because their mind can see them from any direction.
This is fascinating to me because, as someone who cannot visualize at all, it means most people cannot visualize to that extent. Most people visualize in 2D. I have asked a few dyslexic people about this, and 2/3 confirmed they could, the third has aphantasia and cannot visualize…
So perhaps your friend is dyslexic or has hypophantasia? Perhaps your visualization is closer to normal? Apparently this whole thing is a spectrum and everyone is different. I’m wondering if there is a “normal” or “average”, or simply a median on the spectrum of visualization.