I had my mind blown 2 nights ago when I realized I have Aphantasia through a YouTube video. I've been deep in the sauce since and have been consuming a ton of content on Aphantasia, one of the most insightful being a video by the "Aphantasia Network" called "Are People with Aphantasia Verbal Thinkers? Dr. Julia Simner". (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzg_tdFrPhc)
I was perplexed with the content and nature of the video, especially when they mention ways of thinking and visualizing. In the video, they mostly contrast visual thinking and verbal thinking, with a small mention of spacial imagery/thinking.
I haven't been able to find any significant information or meaningful mentioning of "kinesthetic" thinking. I mention this because in one the most useful test questions I've have seen: "How many windows are in your house/apartment?", my process of thinking is something along the lines of:
I'm a black fog of static entity moving through a black space with objects that are black on a black backdrop (I definitely can't see anything) where I just know if the space has a window or not. I then roll/glide to a different room until I cover all the rooms (No teleportation from room to room).
Me and my sister were CrossFit trainers at one point in our lives. She does not have Aphantasia and she asked me how I imagined movements like a snatch? I told her I move in my mind and experience the feeling of weight, how my body feels going through the motion, the position my body is in, the weight hitting the body, the balance, but I've never seen myself doing it to any capacity. Her experience was seeing herself doing the movement from the outside.
I am a software architect and build very complex distributed systems that I can "map" in my mind. When I imagine interactions between these systems I again feel myself as that black fog of static entity moving through a series of "pipes?/circuits?/channels?" being mutated by the processes happening in each step of the service interaction until I come out the other side. My colleagues said they map interactions in their mind by painting a flow chart like with shapes and lines mapping the interactions across these systems.
I was asked by one of them how I imagine a scenario where I don't know a piece of the puzzle. In that case I feel as if there is another black fog of static blocking my path, when I solve it, I feel like I can move unhindered through the pipe/channel which feels super satisfying. I can also "move" past the static to continue the process if I need to.
In short, when thinking about processes I feel as a mutable entity moving through "something" that represents the process and how it changes or can change me at each step. This doesn't feel particularly "spatial" either. This applies to the movement example, where I just feel like I am an entity shaped/representing my body and its perceptions.
I'm no expert, but this my visualization is quite often like this which is not visual or verbal. I am particularly good with logical thinking, processes, and debugging and programming uses these extensively and its the first thing I've ever done for a job that felt "easy" or "natural" in my life and I have the perception that I struggle a lot less compared to all peers I've worked with. I have a suspicion it has to do with Aphantasia and somehow with this type of visualization in particular.
I've ran past a few comments that have been eye opening and wanted to see if anyone feels something similar as well. The most similar comment to express this was in a YouTube video I lost track of that labeled it as "radar vision/thinking" so I'm hoping there are more people that experience this.