I only see black when I try to visualize, EXCEPT during this one situation…

Many a time I've tried to visualize, but I always see black. However, there is one particular setting when I can sometimes actually see images. When I am VERY tired, and I'm in that window between wake and sleep just before I actually fall asleep, my mind will relax, and sometimes allow me to see fuzzy images (usually ones I can't choose or control). When this happens, I am still awake, and I am NOT Lucid dreaming. However, these rare images usually don't last very long, because suddenly seeing images (instead of just seeing black) usually jars me out of that relaxed state where my brain becomes more alert, and then I'm right back to seeing just black again. Does anyone else have this experience?

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Yes, that is absolutely same for me.

Thanks for the link…much appreciated.

I was given fentanyl at the hospital a while back, and I didn’t respond to it well. For about 2 weeks I was able to conjure up all sorts of images out of thin air. And every time I closed my eyes I would see these morphing symmetrical geometric patterns. It all went away after a couple of weeks. Really wierd.

There’s an article by Liana Scott elsewhere on this site that describes her similar experiences with the in-between-state from sleep to wakening You might find it interesting:


I’m an aphant, but I don’t have these types of visions. I dream, but without visions. But apparently many people with aphantasia have visual dreams, even though they don’t visualize while awake. So, even among people with some traits in common, there is a lot of variability with respect to other traits.

What is so frustrating…when I am very tired and relaxed, and finally do see images instead of just black, I can’t help but be a little excited, which makes my brain become more alert, and as a result, the images quickly fade away. But when I somehow manage to NOT get excited, and remain very relaxed, I quickly fall asleep. It’s hard for me to stay in the doorway between wake and sleep. Too awake, or too relaxed…the door closes and it’s all over.

YES! I have total Aphantasia, (sight, smell, hearing, etc) and I cannot now, and have never been able to conjure up any image of literally anything. For 66 years I never in my wildest dreams had any inkling that the majority of humans walking the planet could actually call up images and other sense’s input from their memory! BUT… As you said, when I’m right on the edge of nodding off, sometimes (very infrequently) I see shadows in my closed eyes of geometrical patterns slowly moving and re-arranging themselves. I have absolutely no idea what or where that is coming from, but at this stage of the game, I’m happy to “see” anything at all, especially something like this that seems to actually help lull me all the way to sleep.