Only volontary phantasia

Hi everyone,
I think I have neither aphantasia nor typical visualization, and I would like to know if there was a name / studies / other people like me.
I can create pictures in my mind. I can recall what I just saw and keep seeing it in my mind. I can see moments of my past, etc.
However, it has to be volontary, and most of the time, I don't need to do it.
From what I know, most people understand sentences by visualizing what they describe. The moment you say something ("I was walking on a beach"), they see it in their mind. And seeing it is equivalent, for them, to understanding it. For me, it's not the case : I never picture things when they are described to me. When I read, I don't see what I read, unless I force myself to do it. And I don't see any interest in doing so, because it is an effort, and it won't bring any further understanding. It doesn't seem "natural."
When a character is described or mentionned, I don't see him. The same thing happens with buildings, landscapes, etc.
I think it has some consequences in my life : I have a very bad sense of direction. When I enter a shop and leave it, I can't remember which way I have to go, on the street (unless I consciously took a visual cue). I can stay an entire day with a person and not being able to say how he was dressed. Remembering faces can be very hard with certain person.
Sorry for the long post. My question is : is there a name for what I have, that is, only volontary mental visualization ? Other people ?

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