The difference in genius? Разница гениальности?

Good day to everyone!
Всем добрый день!

The languages I speak are Russian, English, French, Chinese, German, Italian, Arabic, Kazakh, and Japanese.
Языки, на которых я разговариваю, — русский, английский, французский, китайский, немецкий, итальянский, арабский, казахский, японский.

My areas of understanding include economics, statistics, marketing, sales, department management, design, physics, mathematics, linguistics, business management, and, to avoid overwhelming you, much more. The main problem is that I tend to overload people. I understand that on a planetary scale, there is little that can be done, but beyond life, only immortality makes sense. For me, every person is important.
В понимании — экономика, статистика, маркетинг, продажи, управление отделами, дизайн, физика, математика, лингвистика, бизнес-управление и, чтобы вас не сильно грузить, — многое другое. Основная проблема в том, что я сильно загружаю людей. Я понимаю, что в планетарном масштабе мало что можно сделать, при этом, выше жизни имеет смысл только бессмертие. Для меня каждый человек важен.

Let's take a step back. I have known about aphantasia since I was 12 years old; now I am 28. At the time, I thought this was a normal condition for everyone. How foolish I was… even with an IQ above 170.
Отступим. Я знал об афантазии с 12 лет, сейчас мне 28, при этом думал, что это обычное состояние всех людей. Как же я был глуп… даже при IQ более 170.

At the age of 11, I decided that only geniuses can raise geniuses. I scored exactly 50 percent on all tests and no more, to avoid standing out until adulthood. The main thesis is that only geniuses can help other geniuses develop.
С 11 лет я принял решение, что гениев могут воспитать только гении, делал все тесты ровно на 50 процентов и не более, чтобы не выделяться до совершеннолетия. Основной тезис — только гении могут помочь гениям развиться.

I understand that the VVIQ scale is not the most insightful level of awareness between fantasy (20) and aphantasia (-20). There are many more intermediate variants. Nevertheless, my dreams are extremely insightful: involvement, vividness, flying at will, scale within the countries of Russia and the USA at my personal desire, and the use of a large number of key figures. The same goes in the opposite direction, but I have never been alone.
Я исключительно понимаю, что шкала VVIQ не самый вразумительный уровень осознания между фантазией (20) и афантазией (-20). Промежуточных вариантов намного больше. При этом, мои сны выглядят крайне вразумительно: вовлеченность, красочность, полеты по желанию, масштабность в рамках стран России и США по личному желанию, использование огромного числа ключевых лиц. Так и в обратную сторону, но никогда не был одинок.

Let me tell you straight away. For me, fantasy is the ability to engage in exclusively creative sciences (e.g., drawing, singing, choreography, and other cultures), while aphantasia refers to intellectual sciences, as listed above.
Сразу вам скажу. Для меня фантазия — это способность к исключительно созидательным наукам (пример: рисование, пение, хореография и другие культуры), а афантазия — это мыслительные науки, для примера, перечислены выше.

The inevitable question is: are there geniuses with aphantasia (-20), and what does your belief look like?
Закономерный вопрос: есть ли гении с афантазией (-20) и как выглядит ваша вера?

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I have an iq of 158 or something like that I don’t care enough to remember it. I found out I had aphantasia a few years back from some video. I’m smart enough to get by in life. School is bad, things are hard. They aren’t in a way I like, but I deal with it. Aphantasia is limiting to say the least. Sure I can do anything anyone else can, but it’s hard for me to remember details of people, I can’t picture memories I have, it’s not fun. I just buy things at almost every gift shop I go to just to replace the memory I can’t picture. I know what it looks like, I just can’t imagine it. My memories are fuzzy, I take pictures all the time. I just want to be a baker. Fantasy is different for everyone. “Geniuses” can flourish under people who aren’t geniuses, but only because the people who teach them try to understand how to teach them. If they don’t try to understand, it doesn’t work. I’ve flourished under quite a few teachers, while I’ve sheltered myself under other ones. It’s all perspective and experience that shapes viewpoints. Fantasy to me, is being able to be free and imagine anything I want to imagine. I want to be free from the burdens of being compared to others, just because they do things the way they are told. I want to create, I want to enjoy, I want to LIVE. Aphantasia hasn’t stopped that, it hasn’t stopped my dreams, it taught me to grow around obstacles. Fantasy isn’t just creative, it’s a way of life. Aphantasia is part of fantasy just as much as it isn’t, you have to accept both in life to get anywhere. That is my answer to your question. It’s viewpoint, perspective, and many other things that make fantasy, not just creativity.

Lots of overlap with what Catherine said, so I won’t repeat those aspects. I didn’t realise I had aphantasia till my 40s. I’m not sure it’s been a hinderance, though perhaps it was a part of the reason I was better at some things than others. A few of the cliches hold, I was in the final 20 for selection in the UK Maths Olympics squad, my daughter’s artistic ability surpassed mine around 5yo. Though I equally enjoy some “artistic pursuits”, such as singing and acting.
If only geniuses could raise geniuses, we would have far fewer geniuses. Neither of my parents had qualifications, and they had two mathematically minded children. Teachers don’t need to be geniuses to teach geniuses, they need to provide the right resources, environment and opportunities for the student to learn and grow, at their pace. Also, beyond intellectual growth, a parent/teacher/mentor provides an important role in nurturing one’s emotional intelligence.
Perhaps, aphantasia can help one be more stoical, being less distracted by visual negative thoughts. It can help one focus more on the present. It can therefore help you focus on what it is you want to learn.
I have awesome dreams too! I can also “overload people”. I’ve found self regulation is key. In particular, practice “active listening” (not always easy), the individuals may not be geniuses, but there is wisdom in crowds.

Hello everyone! Thank you for your responses! I have felt your desires and goals myself.

It took me time to realize the differences between aphantasia, fantasy, and the final stage of the culmination of these two thought processes — imagination.

During the time I was writing my message, I identified several unique patterns:

Aphantasia is the exceptional ability to think within one’s mind, excluding external factors and visual influences. It can be considered as the awareness of thought. The experience we have gone through is interestingly applicable in various situations and professions. In my case, the amount of experience equates to the number of possible interactions applying my abilities in different professions.
Fantasy is the embodiment of thoughts before the “mental gaze.”
While practicing the development of fantasy, I noticed one interesting detail that we might be able to solve together or create a new thesis for further substantiation.

I hypothesized that since childhood, I have been training the left hemisphere, while the right hemisphere is responsible for fantasy, and the left, presumably, for aphantasia. This might be unscientific. Hence, the first thesis arises: the overtraining of one hemisphere of the brain has exacerbated the fantasizing abilities of another part or the entire hemisphere?

Then I remembered another moment from my life. At the age of 14, I tried the sleep method — shavasana, relaxing the muscles of the entire body from the tips of the toes to the head and shifting the relaxation impulse to the hippocampus area. That evening, I distinctly remember the appearance of images before the mental gaze. Hence, the second thesis arises: how does the stimulation of a specific part of the brain depend on the process of gaze? To verify the first and second theses, an fMRI is required.

In the next stage, I tried to cross the mental gaze and the visual gaze: I imagined a thought in my head and tried to pull it into the mental gaze. Initially, there were no successes, but after about the fifth repetition, I started to succeed. The third thesis arises: the possibility of training fantasy becomes more real than it was a month ago?

Considering all three theses, it is suggested that fantasy is not lost for us!

My main desire in this life is to master imagination. To combine fantasy and aphantasia while understanding the essence and difference of these states. If this is not a cure, then perhaps it is an interesting twist in development.

I will try to share everything that I encounter on my path.