

I at the moment can speak English fluently, and Arabic is my second language. I’m trying to learn Japanese right now, but a lot of people are telling me to put certain words with visual cues, has anyone have any luck with learning a new language?

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I was born monolingual and I’m currently learning my fourth language, and I have aphantasia.

Aphantasia is not at all a barrier to language learning, but you will have to find your own way every now and then. There are fantastic youtube videos by Steve Kaufmann and Luca Lampariello on how to teach yourself a language. Also, the vast majority language of courses at universities and online tutors ( work great for aphantasic people.

There’s lot of excellent advice here

but for me the keys have been

Have a good reason to learn the language

Do a little every day

Have absolute confidence that you can do this. You’ve learned one foreign language already and you definitely have the ability to do it again

Make sure absolutely everything you study is either useful or interesting, and preferably both

Get some resources together. I use:

Short stories on

Second hand Michel Thomas courses

The easy languages and language pod youtube channels

Decide how you want to learn, self-study is great but the social element of a 6 month language course can be fantastic too, as can developing a friendship with an affordable one-to-one tutor.

Best of luck!