Big Five Inventory-10

Assessing personality traits.
Hosted By Aphantasia Network
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What’s your personality type?

The Big Five Inventory (BFI-10) is a 10-item scale assessing the Big Five personality traits:

  • Extraversion: How outgoing and sociable you are
  • Agreeableness: How cooperative and considerate you are towards others
  • Conscientiousness: How organized and responsible you are
  • Emotional Stability: How calm and emotionally resilient you are
  • Openness: How curious and open to new experiences you are

Note: This survey is not a diagnostic tool. It is part of a research study exploring whether different personality traits might occur with different imagery extremes, aphantasia and hyperphantasia.

Instructions: Below are a series of statements about different personality traits. Please read each statement carefully and indicate how accurately it describes you. There are no right or wrong answers, so please be as honest as possible in your responses.

I see myself as someone who is…

…is reserved(Required)
…is generally trusting(Required)
…tends to be lazy(Required)
…is relaxed, handles stress well(Required)
…has few artistic interests(Required)
…is outgoing, sociable(Required)
…tends to find faults with others(Required)
…does a thorough job(Required)
…gets nervous easily(Required)
…has an active imagination(Required)
Adapted from Rammstedt, B. & John, O. P. (2007). Measuring personality in one minute or less: A 10-item short version of the Big Five Inventory in English and German. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 203‐212.

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