Topic: Perception

Imagery and perception look and feel so different. Researchers are just beginning to understand why. Explore some resources on imagery and perception and the possible underlying causes of these differences, from function to neural mechanisms.

Why might your mind's eye be blind while your friend can picture crystal-clear images? Shocking insights into the known neurodifferences in imagery vividness.
I recently discovered that I have aphantasia, but I do see images in dreams. My biggest fear has always been going blind because it would mean living in dark...
November 29, 2023
I tried multiple times to visualize any color apple after a 30 second stare but it didn't work and I just saw a blank, white wall afterwards. I'm w...
December 17, 2022
In this article: the neurology of visual perception vs memory ...
Watch this extended interview with Mac Shine answering the community’s questions about "What It's Like To Be A Neuroscientist With Aphantasia" in this live Q&A session. Hosted by Tom Ebeyer.
August 30, 2023
Neuroscientist Mac Shine delves into aphantasia—a condition he personally experiences—to challenge conventional views on perception, explore the neuroscience of imagination, and draw unexpected parallels between the cognitive functions of aphantasics and large language models like ChatGPT-4.
August 30, 2023
Researcher Alexander Sulfaro answers the community’s questions about 'Why Don't We Hallucinate Our Mental Images' in this live Q&A. Hosted by Tom Ebeyer.
April 20, 2023
Have you ever wondered why mental images aren't as vivid as real images? What's the difference between imagining something and hallucinating it? Alexander Sulfaro joins Aphantasia Network to discuss this and more.
April 20, 2023