Aphantasia Specialists

Connect with Aphantasia Specialists

Find support for aphantasia. Discover a network of professionals who understand the unique experiences of individuals with aphantasia. Our directory connects you with counsellors, therapists, coaches and educators.
While discovering aphantasia can be transformative, it can also bring challenges. If you're seeking support in navigating life without a mind's eye, our directory can help you find a professional who speaks your language.
Our goal is to bridge the gap between aphantasics seeking support and professionals equipped with knowledge about this unique cognitive trait. By facilitating these connections, we hope to empower individuals with aphantasia to thrive in their personal and professional lives.

Are you seeking support from professionals who understand aphantasia?

Our upcoming directory will connect you with counsellors, therapists, coaches and educators offering specialized support for navigating life without mental imagery. Sign up below to be notified when our service directory launches later this year.
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